Contact our leadership.

President, Dr. Abigail Bockus

Research Physiologist

Bozeman Fish Technology Center

4050 Bridger Canyon Rd.

Bozeman, MT 59715

President-Elect, Dr. Mick Walsh

Fishery Resource Management Specialist

Sustainable Fisheries Division, Southeast Regional Office

263 13th Ave S

St. Petersburg, FL 33701

NOAA Fisheries | U.S. Department of Commerce

Vice-President, Dr. D. Allen Pattillo

Shellfish Aquaculture Technology Specialist

University of Maryland - Extension

124 Wye Narrows Dr.

Queenstown, MD 21658

Secretary/Treasurer, Dr. Dayan Perera

Extension Professor

University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff

1200 N. University Drive

Pine Bluff, AR 71601

Immediate Past-President, Dr. Anita Kelly

Extension Professor

Auburn University

School of Fisheries, Aquaculture & Aquatic Sciences

529 S. Centreville St.

Greensboro, AL 36744

Director, Dr. Adriane Michaelis

Assistant Professor

Virginia Institute of Marine Science

William & Mary

1375 Greate Rd.

Gloucester Point, VA 23062

Director, Mr. Forrest Wynne

State Extension Specialist for Aquaculture

Kentucky State University

McCracken County Cooperative Extension

Suite 117

2025 New Holt Road

Paducah, KY 420001

Director, Ms. Melissa ‘Missy’ Good

Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program

University of Alaska Fairbanks

118 Trident Way

Kodiak, AK 99615

Director, Mr. Jordan Lynch

Farm Manager

Key Allegro Oyster Company

1796 Bay Shore Dr.

Rockport, TX 78382

Student Liaison (ex officio), Julia Grenn

Ph.D. Candidate

Commercial Shellfish Aquaculture Lab & Team

Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Student Liaison Apprentice (ex officio), Abdulmalik ‘Abdul’ Oladipupo

Ph.D. Candidate

Auburn University


Click on image for full list.

Photo courtesy David Cline.


Committee Chairs (current)

Awards Committee: Allen Pattillo and Mick Walsh

Professional Achievement Awards Sub-Committee: Mick Walsh

Student Awards Sub-Committee: Allen Pattillo

Conference Committee: John Cooksey

Election Committee: Anita Kelly and Mick Walsh

Finance Committee: Dayan Perera

Past President’s Committee: Anita Kelly

Promotion & Membership Outreach Committee: Forrest Wynne

Promotion & Membership Outreach Sub-Committee on Workshops: Adriane Michaelis

Promotion & Membership Outreach Sub-Committee on Social Media: Jordan Lynch

Promotion & Membership Outreach Sub-Committee on Webinars: David Cline

Publications Committee: Abigail Bockus

Rules & Regulations Committee: Missy Good

Strategic Planning Committee: Anita Kelly

Student Activities Committee: Adriane Michaelis

Student Subunits Committee: Adriane Michaelis

Ad-Hoc Committee - Diversity and Inclusion: Eric Saillant

Ad-hoc Review Papers Committee: Carole Engle

(The current USAS President is an ex-officio member of all USAS committees)